
你每天都喝牛奶,但你知道你喝的牛奶從哪裡來嗎?台灣有同緯度地區難得一見的優良酪農環境。但卻由於產業環境的限制,小型酪農一直受到乳品廠和外來乳製品的不公平對待,龔建嘉決定挺身而出改變現況,就從說說酪農的故事開始。 Kung-Chien Chia, founder of ILoveMilk. As a veterinarian, he not only takes care of the common household animals, but he also cares for the smuggled alien and foreign species in the animal shelter. Being one of a few veterinarians for large animals, the lives of the veterinarians in rural areas have given him a different yet novel view. Growing up in a fancy city like Taipei, living in Yunlin has become an eye-opener for him towards possessing various perspectives. Seeing the ways that farmers care for the animals and also being a part of it, he realized the difficulties and struggles that farmers are facing. Kung believes that there needs to be a breakthrough and resolution under these unreasonable and unequal trading conditions. 龔建嘉,一位『不務正業』的獸醫師,曾投入在野生動物收容中心照顧國外走私的外來種動物。接著在當兵時,進到當時全台灣唯一的軍犬組,每天照顧軍犬的健康,更看到令人鼻酸的飼養環境,還因此在當兵期間推動『除役軍犬認養計畫』,順利讓軍犬在退伍後能夠回歸正常家庭生活,讓這些為國奉獻的老犬獲得自由。 目前為全台少數的大動物獸醫師,鄉村獸醫的生活讓他看到別人看不到的景象,一個台北人住在雲林,會有不同的視野。每天看著酪農是如何飼養照顧,當自己參與其中後,才發現產業鏈中,長期存在不合理的狀況、不平等的交易需要突破,需要解決。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx