
▶ 請看我們上一個影片 Watch Our Last Video Coming Out Over Text https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0XP5f-51xs ▶ 看更多 Proud to Be/Me & LGBT影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyL8hIMzZJE&list=PL7nhb2Q-J2vwcL3X_3Y00EDyPNDMk_Vhd ▶ 分享如果你喜歡!不要忘記訂閱我們。 SHARE IF YOU LIKE IT. Make Sure To Like + Subscribe! ▶ 訂閱我 Stalk Me/ My Team Instagram : http://instagram.com/lexieetai/ Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lesbianingtogayther/386447358190679 Tumblr : http://itslexietai.tumblr.com/ Youku: http://www.soku.com/search_video/q_lesbianingtogayther ▶ 寄東西給我 Send Me Anything P.O. Box: 中文: 80799高雄郵局第61-56號信箱, 台灣 English: P.O. Box 61-56 Kaohsiung Post Office (Kaohsiung City) 80799, Taiwan R.O.C ▶ 我們影片純屬娛樂,如果有冒犯敬請原諒。 We were just making some funny videos for our own amusement, so no hater please!