shinee being memes

The only thing I own is the order these songs go in.... I guess. Idk, I feel like you have to say something about that. Oh well. I'm back with a new listing! This time I have 150 SHINee songs (including solo activities)! As You can probably tell, this isn't all of them. I debated between whether I wanted to have one really long video or two longish videos. I decided to go with two, so that people aren't sitting here for like 50 minutes. I mean if you want to, then by all means go for it :). But I actually already have part 2 completed and ready to go, I just have to upload it from my computer, but that could take like 2 hours. So if you happen to stumble across this video before then and become enraged because I have yet to post the 2nd part, then have no fear; it's on the way. I actually had a harder time making this video, for two reasons. The main one: my computer. My computer is running slower these days, so it was extremely frustrating at times when I would have to restart my computer because iMovie was acting up. Also, it was tasking because it was taking like an hour just to get through 10 songs. The second: the pictures. In my opinion, aside from the listing and the songs themselves, the pictures are the most important part; they set the tone for the song. So I try to pick pictures that bring out the best qualities of the song, if that makes any sense. The reason it was so difficult this time around is because I'm really really picky about the pictures I choose. I try to choose ones where everyone looks good (I mean all the members are gorgeous of course, but you know there are just some pictures where you go :/ ). On top of that, I refuse to use any of the same pictures I've used in the past. This is my third time making a video like this. My first video was a top 45, my second was a top 100. That means that I didn't allow myself to use any of the pictures featured anywhere in either of those videos. Now, I'm doing a top 150. It was really really really really hard to find pictures that met all of my requirements and also went with the song AND wasn't already used. It literally took me 12 hours just to find all the pictures for the songs that didn't have a music video associated with them. So there are some that don't really go along with the song or whatever, but I don't really care anymore. Regardless, I'm really proud with how this video and part 2 turned out. I think it's really good. As always, I lend out a helping hand to those technologically challenged, such as myself: If you would like to know how I made this video, just comment below and I shall lay out all the steps it took to make this video. Again, if you just got here, Part 2 will be up shortly! Thanks for watching! Also, thank you if you actually read this whole thing. I feel like no one looks at these. I know I practically never look at video descriptions.