90%的人都不知道!「拔罐」將瘀血吸出后, 居然發現這麼驚天的事實!這張對照圖肯定要收了!

更多精彩内容请订阅关注:http://www.youtube.com/user/chinesemedicineCNTV 《中华医药》本期节目主要内容:《中华医药》栏目体现了各类观众不同的兴趣和需要,涉及了中国传统医学、生活习惯和伦理道德等内容。如《健康话题》关注健康热点、倡导科学的生活方式、《医药名家》聚焦中华名医、人格化展示中华医药的文化内涵、《洪涛信箱》为海外观众寻医问药提供健康向导、《专科门诊》探讨解除患者疾病痛苦的良方、《养生有道》传播中华养生文化等。敬请关注本期节目内容。 More exciting content, please subscribe concern: http://www.youtube.com/user/chinesemedicineCNTV "Chinese medicine" current program main elements: "Chinese Medicine" column reflects the various interests and needs of different audiences, involving a Chinese traditional medicine, habits and ethics and so on. Such as "health topics" hot health concerns, promote scientific way of life, "Medicine masters" Focus on China doctors, personified display of Chinese medicine culture, "Tao mailbox" for overseas viewers Xunyiwenyao provide health guidance, "SOP" explore relieve pain in patients with disease recipe, "health way" spread Chinese health culture. Please pay attention to the current program content.