D'Souza completely shuts down C-SPAN callers in clash over Nazi roots of Democratic Party

D'Souza spoke with C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" about his new book "The Big Lie," in which he claims that the Democratic Party has long and intimate ties to fascists around the world. Callers had the opportunity to ask D'Souza questions, and D'Souza responded to their criticisms. — In theaters nationwide August 3! Get tickets now: http://tickets.deathofanationmovie.com Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, "Death of a Nation" cuts through progressive big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths. Watch the shocking new trailer now: https://youtu.be/UXPhLXuJ90I Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump—and we—come together and save America for the second time? Learn more about "Death of a Nation” and find a theater near you: http://deathofanationmovie.com — Want to connect with Dinesh D'Souza online for more hard-hitting analysis of current events in America? Here’s how: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dsouzadinesh Twitter: https://twitter.com/dineshdsouza Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dineshjdsouza Email: http://www.dineshdsouza.com/email/