Клип к дораме~❤️Кембрийский период ❤️

Playing n Testing n Practicing... ‧ using my poor english n what I've learned n studied from english... trying to verify by comparing two language's using ways....translated this song's meaning into English....will correct it continuing if I find that where isn't fitting... ‧ 臉譜/Mask: 一個人習慣在黑夜遊走 get used to moving alone in the dark 走的路 怎麼看不到盡頭 couldn't see any light from my life 藏在面具的背後 all my feelings hiden behind the mask 丟掉的笑容只能拼湊 can only piece the lost smile together little by little 無法降落的自由 the freedom I'd longed for never arrived 我的世界被大海漸漸吞沒 My world was getting engulfed by the sea gradually 只剩下那心底微弱的藍色 only left a tiny bit light blue sky in the bottom of my heart 直到你出現以後 till you came out 打破禁錮的面孔 breaking the constrained emotions of mine 喚醒沈睡已久的石頭 you awakened my once asleep heart 荒蕪的路已走太久 have lived lonely in the dark for such a long time 哪怕為了愛不能回頭 because of love I'm not afraid that there is no way can turn back 只要牽著你的手 if only holding your hands, I won't be scared 走在烏雲前頭 even walking towards the dark 荒蕪的路 孤獨太久 have already lived lonely in the dark for such a long time 遇上你就不夠放手 I won't let you go once I meet you 踏著湍急的河流 stepping into the rapid (struggle to survive in adversity ) 摧毀之後 才能換自由 the freedom of mind comes out after to be destroied (place sb on field of death and he will fight to live) 我的世界被大海漸漸吞沒 My world was getting engulfed by the sea gradually 只剩下那心底微弱的藍色 only left a tiny bit light blue sky in the bottom of my heart 直到你出現以後 till you came out 打破禁錮的面孔 breaking the constrained emotions of mine 喚醒沈睡已久的石頭 you awakened my once asleep heart 荒蕪的路已走太久 have lived lonely in the dark for such a long time 哪怕為了愛不能回頭 because of love I'm not afraid that tere is no way can turn back 只要牽著你的手 if only holding your hands, I won't be scared 走在烏雲前頭 even walking towrads the dark 荒蕪的路 孤獨太久 have already lived lonely in the dark for such a long time 遇上你就不夠放手 I won't let you go once I meet you 踏著湍急的河流 stepping into the rapid (struggle to survive in adversity ) 摧毀之後 才能換自由 the freedom of mind comes out after to be destroied (place sb on field of death and he will fight to live)