How to Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain, Elbow Tendonitis, Shoulder Issues and More

FULL BLOG POST: Most of us have "stiff shoulder syndrome" these days from hunching over computers and phones, which makes our upper traps overactive and deactivates our lower traps, low lats and rhomboids. Learn a 1-2 shoulder positioning combo for the shoulder blade (scapula) and start reversing this pattern. When a new healthy pattern is ingrained, your sore achy shoulders should start to feel lighter, freer and happier! For the BEST results, combine this DAILY (as often as you can remember) with the following fascial release techniques for key areas that produce pain from poor posture: 1. BICEPS: 2. CHEST/PEC MINOR: 3. UPPER TRAPS: 4. SCALENES: 5. LATS and RHOMBOIDS: