文化長河-大地行:第七集 丹霞‧山人

丹霞山位于中国广东省北部的韶关市仁化县,是丹霞地貌的命名地。丹霞山由红色砂砾岩构成,以赤壁丹崖为特色,古人取“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”之意,称之为“丹霞山”。丹霞山是中国国家级自然保护区、国家重点风景名胜区和国家地质公园。2004年2月13日,丹霞山被联合国教科文组织评为首批世界地质公园。 丹霞山面积大约280平方千米。范围包括:丹霞山、韶石山、大石山、矮寨几个景区。内有大大小小形态各异的石峰、石堡、石墙、石柱达380余座。这里的丹霞地貌具有典性,多样性和不可替代性。 Mount Danxia Mount Danxia, situated beside the Jin River some 50 kilometers northeast of the city of Shaoguan, covers an area of more than 280 square kilometers (28,000 hectares, or 69,190 acres). Mount Danxia consists primarily of red sandstone that has been built up over the aeons via stratification, with the alternating colors of the stratified layers clearly visible on exposed cliff faces, reflecting varying degrees of oxidization. At the same time, this particular landform, which exists on several continents around the world and which takes its name from Mount Danxia itself (i.e., giving rise to the UNESCO-recognized designation "Danxia Landform"*), has typically been exposed to massive, long-term erosion, leaving landforms that rise up from the surrounding terrain, as it were, in the shape of freestanding blocks, pillars, etc., and usually with sheer, barren walls. Mount Danxia Scenic Area comprises numerous peaks, columns, palisades and stone bridges. In addition, some of the Danxia Landforms here are not freestanding, but consist of a ramp-like half-mountain ending in a sheer wall. Other, more eroded, free-standing Danxia Landforms are in the shape of animals and birds as well as human torsos, insist the Chinese people themselves, though they may have a richer imagination than we others on this point. The main part of Mount Danxia presents a large, centered, circular block surrounded by pillars, suggestive of a mosque ringed by minarets. On a good-weather day with blue skies sprinkled with puffy white clouds, the juxtaposition of huge red sandstone surfaces, the colors of the sky, the jade green surface of the Jin River and the bright green color of the foliage suggests a representational canvas painted by Mother Nature herself.