The Allagash Abductions - An Documentary

Note this was Formerly episode 11 of the series Interview with E.D. on vimeo and have now made it for free for all to Enjoy! Robert Fullington and Jacquelin Smith both claim to be Human/ET Hybrids with a percentage of their DNA coming from the Mantis Being race. The Mantis Beings or MANTOIDS are a mysterious race of Praying Mantis looking beings that seem to be benevolent and heavily involved with human affairs. Reuben, having had his own personal contact from this race, got to speak to Robert and Jacquelin about his experience and corroborate his with theirs. Both Robert and Jacquelin have recently been featured in by Meguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb in the book "Meet the Hybrids" and were speaking about the book and their experiences the 2016 International UFO Congress ( where the interview took place. "Meet the Hybrids" on Amazon Jacquelin Smith's website: Help support Reuben and his work: Music: Stellardrone, Album: Echoes, Track: Endeavour To see more interview go to: