Chinese for Kids | Song to Learn 'Greetings' in 3 Minutes!

如果开心你就跟我拍拍手 啪啪! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ pāi pāi shǒu pāpā If you're happy, then clap your hands with me. Clap, clap! 如果开心你就跟我拍拍手 啪啪! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ pāi pāi shǒu pāpā If you're happy, then clap your hands with me. Clap, clap! 如果感到开心你就跟我拍拍手 rúguǒ gǎndào kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ pāi pāi shǒu If you feel happy, then clap your hands with me. 如果开心你就跟我拍拍手 啪啪! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ pāi pāi shǒu pāpā If you're happy, then clap your hands with me. Clap, clap! 如果开心你就跟我跺跺脚 咚咚! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ duò duò jiǎo dōngdōng ! If you're happy, then stomp your feet with me. Stomp, stomp! 如果开心你就跟我跺跺脚 咚咚! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ duò duò jiǎo dōngdōng ! If you're happy, then stomp your feet with me. Stomp, stomp! 如果感到开心你就跟我跺跺脚 rúguǒ gǎndào kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ duò duò jiǎo If you feel happy, then stomp your feet with me. 如果开心你就跟我跺跺脚 咚咚! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ duò duò jiǎo dōngdōng ! If you're happy, then stomp your feet with me. Stomp, stomp! 如果开心你就跟我大声喊 真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ dàshēng hǎn zhēn bàng ! If you're happy, then shout loudly with me. "Wonderful!" 如果开心你就跟我大声喊 真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ dàshēng hǎn zhēn bàng ! If you're happy, then shout loudly with me. "Wonderful!" 如果感到开心你就跟我大声喊 rúguǒ gǎndào kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ dàshēng hǎn If you feel happy, then shout loudly with me. 如果开心你就跟我大声喊 真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ dàshēng hǎn zhēn bàng ! If you're happy, then shout loudly with me. "Wonderful!" 如果开心你就跟我一起做 啪啪!咚咚!真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ yìqǐ zuò pāpā !dōngdōng !zhēn bàng ! If you're happy, then do this with me. Clap, clap! Stomp, stomp! "Wonderful!" 如果开心你就跟我一起做 啪啪!咚咚!真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ yìqǐ zuò pāpā !dōngdōng !zhēn bàng ! If you're happy, then do this with me. Clap, clap! Stomp, stomp! "Wonderful!" 如果感到开心你就跟我一起做 rúguǒ gǎndào kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ yìqǐ zuò If you feel happy, then do this with me. 如果开心你就跟我一起做 啪啪!咚咚!真棒! rúguǒ kāixīn nǐ jiù gēn wǒ yìqǐ zuò pāpā !dōngdōng !zhēn bàng ! Little Fox is a language education company. We present an award-winning collection of leveled, animated stories and songs. Our goal is to help children learn languages in a natural and fun way. Visit our website and check out our unique content including thousands of digital resources. Website: Subscribe to our channel: