EXACTLY How I Made $5,279 My FIRST Month Online (Story) - Shopify Drop-shipping

If you want to start generating FREE Shopify traffic in 2018, this is the method you need to get started. One of my notorious traffic methods in the community is leveraging Instagram to generate mass amounts of free traffic and sales. One particular drop shipping website I own with a business partner of mine actually does around $1,783/week from completely FREE Instagram Traffic. Naturally, I get asked how I do this on a daily basis. So today I figured I’d shoot this quick video showing exactly how I do it. In this video, I show you step by step how I take a client’s brand new Instagram account and set up the profile for conversions, the best format for your photo captions and show you what and when to post. After that, I’m going to show you how to automate the account with the software I’ll link to down below and take one of the photos as an example and blow it up with engagement groups. 🎧 Music: “A Great Day” by Johnny Rock 🎨 Step 1: Instagram Profile Template Use the following template and customize it for your own profiles with new emojis and bullet points about your business. Remember to keep your Instagram bio under 150 characters. That’s all Instagram allows at this time. Also remember, Instagram now allows you to add clickable user tags (@Username) and #hashtags to your bios too! ☕️ | Organic Matcha Powers & Teas ⭐️ | 100% Quality Guarantee 📦 | FREE Worldwide Shipping 🔒 | SSL Encrypted Checkout 👇👇👇SHOP HERE ⚙️ Step 2: Download an App Like FollowLiker, Jarvee, etc Once you’ve downloaded and installed your app just activate your account and use the following settings. ⚠️ Going above the following settings is not recommended and may get your account suspended. [UPDATED SETTINGS] — Scrape Users — Add 3 - 6 similar users or competitor accounts and set follow liker to only scrape users who like and comment on their photos to make sure you’re only scraping active users. For each user, you should have two separate additions for each of these. — Follow Settings — Follow Limit: 5 - 15 Daily Follow Limit: 800 - 1100 Delay Follow: 35 - 60 Seconds Check ☑️ Don’t Follow Followers — Unfollow Settings — Unfollow After: 3 Days Unfollow Limit: 5 - 15 Daily Unfollow Limit: 850 - 2150 Delay Unfollow: 35 - 60 Seconds Uncheck ⬜️ Don’t Unfollow Followers 💬 Step 3: Download Telegram (Desktop Version) Once you’ve installed Telegram and created your account sign in and add all the engagement groups you’d like to participate in. I’ve collected a short list of groups you can join below to get you started. (Just click the links to add) ✅ [Dx10] BoostGram | L+C: t.me/Boostgramdx10 ✅ [Dx8] BoostGram | L+C: t.me/Boostgramdx8 ✅ [Dx5] BoostGram | L+C: t.me/BoostGramDx5 ✅ IG Mass Likes: t.me/igmasslikes Many engagement groups are very exclusive and require you do have a referral or be invited by another member. This will happen naturally as you gain a good reputation in the community. ⚠️ Be sure to carefully read the group rules (usually in the “Pinned Message”) before interacting with any group. Most group rules are very strict and bans are typically permanent. This is what keeps most groups high quality and spam free. Most groups use the following format to post your link after engaging with the required amount of latest posts. ___________________________________________________ Dx10 @EngagingAccount [URL Of Post Reviving Engagement] ___________________________________________________ I hope you guys get a lot of value out of this and you’re able to finally kickstart traffic and sales on your own Shopify stores using this free traffic method. Check out some of my other videos and guides: 💸 How to Get Instagram Influencers to Promote Your Products for FREE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VclezgLyKOY 💯 How To Accept Bitcoin on Shopify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8srFqO1bJw #Shopify #Instagram #Marketing #eCommerce