Humans are not from Earth in Hindi - मानव पृथ्वी का मूल निवासी नहीं है

This episode explains Higgs Boson in Hindi.Explanation of The God Particle in Hindi. Higgs Boson is also known as The God Particle. Additionally, this video also explains Higgs Field, Importance of Higgs Boson and Large Hadron Collider. You mind land here searching with terms like "God Particle Kya hai"," God Particle kya hota hai","Higgs Boson kya hota hai", "Higgs Field kya hota hai". The Higgs boson is an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. First suspected to exist in the 1960s, it is the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, a fundamental field of crucial importance to particle physics theory. Unlike other known fields such as the electromagnetic field, it has a non-zero constant value in vacuum. The question of the existence of the Higgs field became the last unverified part of the Standard Model of particle physics, and for several decades, was considered "the central problem in particle physics". The presence of the field, now confirmed by experimental investigation, explains why some fundamental particles have mass when, based on the symmetries controlling their interactions, they should be massless. It also resolves several other long-standing puzzles, such as the reason for the extremely short range of the weak force. Although the Higgs field is non-zero everywhere and its effects ubiquitous, proving its existence was far from easy. In principle, it can be proved to exist by detecting its excitations, which manifest as Higgs particles (the Higgs boson), but these are extremely difficult to produce and to detect. ---------------------------------------------- Credit --------------------------------------------- (1) Voiced by - Samar Singh ( (2) Written and Edited by - Ravi Kumar (4) Video Footage Credit- Videoblocks, Pixabay,Fermilab, CERN, You can watch our other videos by clicking on below given links: Our Last Episode: (x)How do we find Exoplanets?(Hindi) - (a) Voyager Interstellar Mission in Hindi - (b)Time Crystals : A New 4-D Matter - Explained in Hindi | Complete Information - (c)Dark Matter & Dark Energy in Hindi - Complete Information | क्या हैं डार्क मैटर और डार्क एनर्जी - (d) What are White Holes(in Hindi) - You can watch our Other Episodes by clicking on below given links: (a)Top 10 Upcoming NASA Space Missions in Hindi |भविष्य में नासा द्वारा छोड़े जाने वाले 10 प्रमुख यान - (1) What are Black Holes in Hindi - (2)What Happens after you die in Hindi - (3)NASA Found signs of Chemicals of Life on Enceladus, the moon of saturn - (4)Quantun Entanglement for Dummies in Hindi - (5)Double-Slit Experiment Explained in Hindi - (6)Simulation Hypothesis in Hindi - (7)Top 10 Questions science can't answer - (8)Hollow Earth Hypothesis Explained in Hindi - (9)Parallel Universe Explained in Hindi - (10)Future World of Humans on Earth - Follow Our Facebook Page for sending us your suggestions or getting latest updates related to us. You can find our Facebook Page at -