Sweet Little Band. Beatles for babies. Beatles para bebes. Ineditos

Babies go Beatles. Full album. Beatles para Bebes http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rgsmusicargentina http://www.rgsmusic.com.ar/cgi-bin/disco.cgi?disco=1249-2&estilo=BG&subestilo=GR https://www.facebook.com/rgsmusic.argentina/?fref=ts 1 - Hey jude 00:00 2 - And I love her 04:12 3 - Let it be 07:18 4 - Yesterday 10:53 5 - If I fell 13:06 6 - Nowhere man 16:14 7 - Michelle 19:01 8 - Here, there and everywhere 22:06 9 - Lucy in the sky with diamonds 24:39 10 - Yellow submarine 28:24 11 - Obladi oblada 30:57 12 - She's leaving home 34:01 13 - Norwegian wood 37:47 14 - Martha my dear 39:38 15 - Misery 42:57 16 - Please please me 45:32