Newborn Howler monkey at BFREE in Belize

Parismino's, the cutest baby howler monkey, first steps to freedom. It is a first day, when this about two months old orphan howler monkey started climbing on a special „jungle gym”. When he will get better he will play in a bigger one, after a while he will join other monkeys on their daily walks to jungle. First for the few hours, than for a day. One day he will decide to stay in the jungle forever and will be free again. He was found in town Parismina in Costa Rica. His mother was dead and a woman, who found him took care of him for about 2 months. Then she decided to give care of him to profesionalist and at the end of April brought him to Jaguar Rescue Center. All days long volunteers are taking care of him, because he needs the mom for 24 hours per day. Watch this cute baby monkey playing on his "jungle gym". Pokochaliście Parismino? Przeczytajcie To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email