KL變形金剛玩具分享334 ROTF RD-19 Shanghai Attack DEMOLISHOR 電影 復仇之戰 日版 破壞者/挖土機

Thanks for all your supporting, feel free to donate through PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/JordanTseng Follow me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cavalier849?ref=bookmarks Hi it's been awhile! This video was made for advocacy of Katemine.Totally 2 month working hours,shot about 5000 pictures. Hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for supporting me ! I'll see you next time ! And don't do drugs! Optimus Prime was Custom by my friend Ashford,check his blog if you are interesting in his work! http://ashford0394.pixnet.net/blog Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cavalier849?ref_type=bookmark