來自台灣獨特的­嗓音一鳴驚豔倫敦Taiwan Tourism Bureau at Bluewater Shopping Centre

The Taiwan Tourism Bureau will be running a major event at Bluewater on Saturday 2nd November 2013, located in the Moon Court outside Marks and Spencer. Pop in for a chance to win two return tickets to Taipei and a private nine day tour around the island! As an island, Taiwan sits just over 100 miles from China and was originally named 'Ilha Formosa' (Beautiful Island) by Portuguese sailors in the 1500s. It's not hard to see why. Diverse both culturally and geologically, Taiwan is an enlightening destination with thousands of years of history as well as dramatic landscapes, natural beauty, indigenous traditions and incredible food. Located on the edge of the Pacific Ring of Fire, Taiwan has a varied landscape of majestic peaks, rolling hills and impressive gorges. The Central Mountain Range forms the backbone of the country, created by ancient tectonic and volcanic activity. Rich, fertile plains and basins are found at its feet and the island's coastline cliffs drop away dramatically into the sea. This combination of terrain makes each region of Taiwan strikingly different and a delight to discover. Visit the Taiwan Tourism Bureau at Bluewater Shopping Centre on Saturday 2nd November for a chance to discover more about the island, as well as win one of two return tickets to Taipei and a private nine day tour of the country. Taiwan Tourism Bureau at Bluewater Shopping Centre 倫敦知名的Bluewater購物中心將演出具台灣文化特色的舞碼,擴大台灣文化與英國民眾之接觸層面。Taiwan Tourism Bureau at Bluewater Shopping Centre 英國Bluewater購物中心台灣觀光推廣活動 Bluewter Shopping Center 11/2 星期六 時間:早上10:00-21:00 地址:Bluewter Shopping Center , Bluewater, Greenhithe, Kent DA9 9ST Greenhithe 演出時間為10:00、13:00、16:00、19:00,每場都10-15分鐘 請在倫敦,或會到倫敦的大家共襄盛舉!謝謝!