A more satisfying dried sponge absorbs water.

Here are 10 facts about sea sponges to help gain a better understanding of this fascinating creature of the deep sea. The corresponding post is here http://goo.gl/0u3eYy Synopsis 10. Sea sponges are animals which neither have neither a central nervous system of a brain. 9. They are found on the floor of the ocean attaching them leaves to solid rocks. They do not have the ability move around 8. Sea sponges appear as dark in water as they have a dark membrane that covers them which is like a skin for them. This gives them good cover for the skeleton. 7. They are able to reproduce by coupling up with other sea sponges. A male sperm is ejected by the male and is caught by the female and the fertilization of her eggs begins. When they are ready tiny larvae are ejected and they settle on the ocean floor and will grow into sea sponges 6. They feed by consuming water, ocean particles and plankton and then filtering the water out and swallowing the food that they need 5. Sea sponges get their oxygen from the flowing water 4. Around the world there are around 5000 species of sea sponge that exist 3. They have amazing powers of regeneration and have the ability to reform parts of the bodies that get broken off. Even more mind blowing The pieces that are broken off can also settle somewhere else and form into a clone of their parent sponge 2. When they are harvested, those collecting them leave the roots intact so that they can regenerate and grow back to their original form 1. When they are not harvested they have a lifespan of around 10 years in the wild.