Jim Gaffigan Peforming at Notes & Words 2014

Recently we posted a video of a McDonalds commercial that was shot in Petaluma that went viral attracting thousands. There was a lot of passion in how people feel about McDonalds and Petaluma. Passion is what makes the people of our city great. On our facebook page, Joe Webb shared this video. It was brilliant. He found humor in the situation. This led us to purchase Jim Gaffigans video on McDonalds to share. Because at the end of the day no matter how passionate we get about our purpose and convictions in life, we have to stop and laugh. One last note that is very important. Our city is so lucky to have Marie McCusker and the Petaluma Downtown Association. Her and her team work tirelessly and we see it everyday while gathering all the cool things going on in town. Positively Petaluma has not seen another city that is so engaged with the community with the events, festivals, and yes even Hollywood who wants to work showcasing our great city. They do a fantastic job for our city and a few bad comments from over 30,000 viewers is statistically negligible. Its my guess that those who have comment about the PDA and the McDonalds commercial have probably enjoyed the annual events sponsored by PDA. Having a business downtown we know first hand that it brings business to our city. For more good information on Petaluma go to http://positivelypetaluma.blogspot.com/. Thanks also for subscribing to our YouTube Channel.