放鬆音樂 古典音樂 中國竹笛古箏音樂 純音樂 輕快 - Bamboo Flute vs Guzheng Music

早上最適合聽的輕音樂【台語歌輕音樂】30首 音樂能治愈心靈 Relaxing Taiwanese Music https://youtu.be/J7Fm8IRDPlQ Thanks for watching my video and do not for get to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE my channel. Thanks alls. ❗如果您是此频道上任何歌曲/图片的所有者,并且您想要删除歌曲,请在我的电子邮件中留言或留言,我会尽我所能将其删除。尽快地。 ❗ If you are the owner of any song/picture on this channel and you want to delete the song, please leave a message or leave a message in my email and I will do my best to delete it. as soon as possible.