香浓巧克力奶油蛋糕 Dark and White Chocolate Cake

You can get Matcha Green Tea Powder from http://amzn.to/2yvjKFE ========================== Zebra Stripe Matcha Japanese Cotton Cheesecake [Gluten Free] Ingredients 3 Egg Yolks 125g Cream Cheese 30g Castor Sugar 40gr Oil 60g Full Cream Milk 30g Corn Starch 2tsp Lemon Juice 3 Egg Whites 1/2tsp Lemon Juice (or 1/8tsp Cream of Tar tar) 50g Castor Sugar 1tbsp Matcha Powder 1tbsp Water ***NOTE*** You can use Cake Flour instead of Corn flour. Reduce the amount of Milk & Oil by 10g each (50g Fresh Milk & 30g Oil) If you dont have Castor Sugar, you can use Granulated Sugar. Put the granulated sugar into food processor and blend until the texture is superfine. ======================== How to Make Light Japanese Cotton Cheesecake https://youtu.be/2xxM3xWp-uQ ======================== How to Make Chocolate Japanese Cotton Cheesecake https://youtu.be/kZLk-ilJII0 Http://www.epipastry.com Instagram : @epipastry Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/epipastry