【☝订阅华策影视官方频道 Subscribe to Huace Film & TV Official Channel☝】 ▹《幸福的面条》完整播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSIJismKOisElePKWAMjG0ke95oUDPX1O 剧情简介:韩国料理师姜恩英(刘一含饰)与中国击剑选手张林(高曙光饰)因重重误会而相爱,用金牌做信物约定两年后再续前缘。张林因车祸而失约了,恩英却生下儿子湖水。好友吴润美(王思懿饰)因秀泰意外身亡,丢下了儿子。恩英靠着小面馆为生,养育了湖真、湖水两个孩子。几年后不幸患上了胰腺癌,临终前托付润美带湖水去中国寻找张林,而润美为了个人利益陷害同居十年的王金宝(娄亚江饰)后,用湖真掉包湖水前往中国,与张林结婚。被留在韩国保育院的湖水改名为姜秀灿(尹施允饰),长大后秉承母亲做面的手艺来到中国寻找父亲,他来到举世闻名的杭州面馆,在这遇上了很多中日做面高手以及曾经的兄弟张健(张峻宁饰)。 尽管受到已改名为张健的湖真与润美的重重算计,秀灿凭着一颗执着、善良、勤奋的心,终于克服种种困难迎来了久违的亲情与甜蜜的爱情,成功开发出了“幸福的面条”。 SYNOPSIS: Korean chief En Ying and Chinese Fencing athlete Zhang Lin fall in love with each other, and they use a silver medal as their token of love. They promise to each other to get together after two years. But Zhang Lin broke this promise due to a car accident. En Ying gives birth to a son for Zhang named Hu Shui. And at the same time, her best friend Run Mei gives birth to a boy too. Run Mei’s boyfriend Xiu Tai died in an accident, and she feels so sad that she leaves her son to En Ying. En Ying names this boy as Hu Zhen; she raises them up alone by running a small noodle restaurant. But one day, she is diagnosed with cancer. Before her death, she asks Run Mei to take her son to China to find his father. Run Mei framed her boyfriend Wang Jin Bao, and exchanges her son Hu Zhen with En Ying’s son Hu Shui. She takes Hu Zhen to China, lies to Zhang Lin, and finally marries him. And Hu Shui, who is left in Korean’s welfare house, inherits his mother’s talent in making noodles. When he grows up, he changes his name to Xiu Can and goes to China to look for his father. In Hang Zhou Noodle House, he meets a lot of noodle-making masters and even his ex-brother Hu Zhen who is named Zhang Jian now. Although he faces a lot of secret plot from Hu Zhen and Run Mei, Xiu Can finally overcomes all the difficulties with his kind and sincere heart, wins his love, and makes the ‘Happy Noodle’ successfully. ■□更多精彩内容请订阅■□ 華策FUN國際|HUACE GLOBAL FUN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9M9sV3sGmutY26H4LNBTww 华策影视Facebook官方主页 https://www.facebook.com/huacemedia/ 华策影视推特官方账号 https://twitter.com/HuaceInfo