
雪州双溪甘迪斯州议席补选成绩证明,巫伊合作,比两党单打独斗来得有影响力,但影响力却是有限的。因为从巫统得票率所增加的幅度来分析,巫伊合作得票率不等于两党509合共的总额, 1加1不等于、也不大于二,不足以撼动希望联盟在雪州这座政治堡垒。 This primetime news programme delivers the latest in current affairs, international top stories & human interest, with input from professionals in the field. TX Details : LIVE Every Mon - Sun, 8pm @ Astro AEC [301] & Astro AEC HD [306] [Visit Astro AEC’s Official Web Pages] Homepage: http://www.hotspot.com.my Astro AEC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/astroaec 2000 Prime Talk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aecprimetalk