JOURNEY TO EVEREST | 4K Himalayas Nature Relaxation™ Experience w/ Instrumental Music

撮影:MAY2016 広島県の東部に位置する世羅高原にある観光農園「世羅高原農場」では、季節と共に感動の花風景が楽しめます。標高500mの丘一面に、春はチューリップが満開になり、75万本のチューリップ植えられ、遠くから見ると様々な美しい模様の花絵が広がります。また、8月中旬は一面のひまわり畑、9月中旬から10月下旬にかけては450種のダリアの花園になり、季節ごとに花の感動が体験できます。 750,000 tulips in full bloom!  Sera Kogen Farm in Hiroshima Prefecture Sera Kogen Farm is a touristic farm in Sera highland, situated in the east part of Hiroshima prefecture where you can enjoy emotive flower and scenery from season to season. 750,000 tulips planted on the hill of 500m altitude are in full bloom in spring making it look like a beautiful flower picture design from a distance. Also, it will be covered with sunflowers in mid August and filled with 450 types of dahlias from mid September to late October offering emotive flower experience by season.