Most wonderful rendering of Kharaharapriya Yesudas- pakkala nilabaDi (Old live performance) .wmv

In this Keertana Tyagaraja expresses that the path of devotion to Rama is the best path to attain supreme bliss. He asks, "why should anyone choose bylanes when there is an excellent high way?" P chakkani rAja mArgamu lunDaga sandula doora nElE O manasA || When there is an excellent king's way, why do you go on bylanes? Oh my heart. AP chikkani pAlu meegaDa lunDaga cheeyanu gangA sAgara mElE || When there is pure milk and cream, why do you go for the most abhorred liquor? C kanTiki sundara taramagu roopamE , mu kkunTiki nOTa chelagE nAmamE tyAga rA jinTanE bAga nelakonnAdi daivamE iTu vanTi sree sAketa rAmuni bhakti yanE || He has the most beautiful appearence. His name is chanted by Siva the three eyed. He is the God that is worshipped at Tyagaraja's home. Devotion to this kind of Saketa Rama is the right path, Oh my heart.