2018 BMW ALPINA B7 Sports Car POV Review

Imagine the most graceful creature on earth. Watch it in your mind as it sways and dances through the summer’s sunshine and the winter’s rains. Every twist and turn is a piece of choreographed wonder. Every glimmer and sparkle is an effortless movement capturing your gaze. Now imagine the most powerful creature on earth. It’s strength and brutal execution of speed inspires the stuff of nightmares, leaving everything in its wake as it chases down its prey with devastating precision and prowess. Okay, so perhaps that is a little over the top as far as opening gambits go. After all we are talking about a car and not a lion, or an eagle, or a shark… the list goes on. We are however talking about a very special car. A car where beautiful elegance meets savage power. The 2018 Alpina B5. Read more about this incredible car at https://www.influx.co.uk/features/alpina-b5/