日安,波斯菊 Bonjour, Cosmos - Golden Flower Bells

A fresh morning is crucial for a productive day. Embrace the radiant sunlight. Enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee with vibrant music to awaken every cell in your body and energize your spirits. Let the prelude to each day start with a joyous note and pave your way for a beautiful day. Tracklist (You can download on iTunes) : 1. Prelude of the Autumn Party / Firefly & Peng Jing 00:00-03:49 2. Singing in the Dawn Light / Chen-chen Ho 03:49-08:45 3. Early Bird / Firefly & Peng Jing 08:45-13:06 4. Sparkling Smiles / Ling Nieh 13:06-17:05 5. As Dino Saluzzi as Morning / Monte Wang 17:05-21:53 6. Dance of the Sparrows / Chang Yung-Chih 21:53-25:06 7. Smiles in Heaven / Mira Lin 25:06-28:46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the full album on iTunes: ►iTunes:https://goo.gl/uJSKTM ►MuziU:http://goo.gl/lhfohn ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-- Wind Music Official Website: http://www.windmusic.com.tw/en/ Join us at facebook: http://facebook.com/windmusic.intl Follow us at Twitter: https://twitter.com/WindMusicUS