双雄 | 上海滩喋血枭雄 第1集 (林保怡、连奕名、王晓晨 领衔主演)

欢迎订阅本频道,热播大片全球同步更新! https://www.youtube.com/user/YoYoTVseries Welcome to our official channel on youtube!The hottest TV series up-to-date! https://www.youtube.com/user/YoYoTVseries 上世纪40年代初,华北日军发动“五一大扫荡”,对我冀中军区根据地进行“铁壁合围”。日军联队长山口率军轮番攻击八路军,几次冲锋都被打撤,他们没弄清对手,独立团团长李银龙接到军区首长的命令,要求他们分批撤退,离天黑还有四个小时,李银龙担心野战医院,他坚持不离开独立团。 After our big triumph of the “Hundred Regiments”, In May 1942, Japanese troops launched a mop-up of north China, going to my iron wall through the Hebei Central revolutionary base. The situation against the Japanese has changed, and the hardest time began. The Independent Regiment were ordered to take cover for the transfer of the major organs, and hold the Shi-De Line.