【火影忍者博人傳】博人傳要真把鳴人寫死? !岸本終於出來解釋「鳴人之死」! 中文字幕cc 十大世界 Nung Channel

3rd Place | O-Dog [Wide] This, the Arena Dance Competition, is something all of the Kinjaz have worked very hard towards and something we put on together with our partners in China, Sinostage. Check them out on Instagram: http://instagram.com/sinostage http://instagram.com/kinjazdojochina And give us a look, too: http://instagram.com/kinjaz http://instagram.com/kinjazdojo http://instagram.com/arenadancecomp #arenadancecomp www.arenadancecomp.com Media Coverage by VIBRVNCY www.facebook.com/vibrvncy instagram @vibrvncy www.vibrvncy.com