函館市観光PR映像 Welcome to Hakodate

撮影;JUNE2015 JAPAN 北陸新幹線の開通で首都圏から近くなった金沢。観光のメインは兼六園と金沢城、さらに武家屋敷など。また、伝統の加賀友禅などの伝統工芸も見逃せない。夜は時代をタイムスリップしたかのような茶屋街では、金沢芸妓による唄や踊りの鑑賞と、お座敷太鼓やお座敷遊びも体験できる。古き良き日本文化の数々を残す金沢をじっくりと楽しもう。 The Beautiful Scenery of Kanazawa  Kanazawa city is located the Sea of Japan and is bordered by the Japanese Alps. The city is leading tourist city where many tourists visit every year. During the Edo Period, Kanazawa served as the seat of the Maeda Clan, the second most powerful feudal clan after the Tokugawa in terms of rice production and fief size. Accordingly, Kanazawa grew to become a town of great cultural achievements, rivaling Kyoto and Tokyo.