Microservices Tutorial for Beginners Part-1 | When, What and Why?

********************New Video********************* Responsive Navbar with Bootstrap 4 https://youtu.be/L0uNai3XyKQ **************************************************** What is REST API? REST stands for Representational State Transfer and API stands for Application Programming Interface. Representational - the resource (image, page, video, profile) is represented by the web server to the client in any format like HTML, Image, JSON, XML etc. State - the state of the application (web site) on a client's computer changes as the client clicks from one link to the next. Ask the client clicks on the link, they request additional resources, and the application "state" changes. Transfer - the transfer of resources from the web server to the client in a "representational" state which can be read by the client or implemented in the application program by the programmer. The transfer may also refer to the application state transfer as the client browses a web site. API - application programming interface provides useful methods/functions which a programmer can implement into his own application in a chosen programming language like PHP. The API makes it easy for programmers to implement. It's important to note that the response we get when sending REST API request will usually be in JSON, XML or other format which makes it easy to implement in the code and it's not meant to be read immediately by a human being. https://clevertechie.com/guides/96/what-is-rest-api-restful-web-services ********************************************* ( New Video! ) How to Create Transparent Drop Down Navigation Menu with CSS and HTML https://youtu.be/8x1mO1d6-4w ********************************************* `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ( Website ) https://clevertechie.com - PHP, JavaScript, Wordpress, CSS, and HTML tutorials in video and text format with cool looking graphics and diagrams. ( YouTube Channel ) https://www.youtube.com/c/CleverTechieTube ( Google Plus ) https://goo.gl/J71p6f - clever techie video tutorials. ( Facebook ) https://www.facebook.com/CleverTechie/ ( Twitter ) https://twitter.com/theclevertechie ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````