How I BANNED 99% of the HACKERS on my SERVER

UPDATE: Sometime after this video was posted I was able to have a long talk with Noxy about the situation. He told me that while part of the reason I was demoted was because of my posts on twitter, part of it was also my inactivity in recent months, which I do understand and both are still my fault. He also admitted the information about my demotion was not initially relayed to me in the clearest way, and apologized for the unclear reasoning and the delay in the demotion itself from when the decision was made. I greatly appreciate getting the opportunity to discuss my side of the experience and get a much better explanation of the situation. You can find more information in his reply to this thread created by another user: That being said, I personally still believe it was somewhat unfair in that I never received any sort of notice or warning for my inactivity. If someone had told me it was becoming a problem I would've made sure to fix it, however I was not given that chance. With the two issues combined it does absolutely make more sense for them to demote me without any notice and I understand it much better, but I just think since it was something I could've fixed then I should've had a chance to. For right now I'll keep the video up since my thoughts on this experience and current issues surrounding the staff team are still valid, though with this new clarification I may decide to remove it at some point. Haven't decided yet. Thanks for watching :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey guys, I wanted to post this video to explain why I’m no longer on the staff team (and show off my building skills in housing :P). Posting a video makes it easier so I don’t have to repeat myself a million times, plus I felt it was necessary to get my thoughts and opinions out there on this experience. I made this video because I and many other staff, both former and current, are concerned with the direction the team has been going recently, and even though I’m no longer a part of it I still care about the staff and want the best for them. In order to do so, it’s important to acknowledge problems many of us are feeling and make some changes we believe are necessary. This is NOT a hate video towards staff. This is NOT a video leaking staff info. There is NOTHING said in this video with malicious intent. This is NOT a video intending to start some rebellion or movement. If it brings about positive change in the staff team then wonderful, but that is not my goal; the primary purpose of this video is to explain why I was demoted and why I will likely not reapply or attempt to rejoin staff with the way it is now. Thank you everyone for watching and for your support, and make sure to check out some of my other videos and subscribe if you haven’t already :) Music: "Cipher" by Kevin Macleod Texture Pack: Ovo's Rustic Redemption