TOP 10 Xenomorph SPECIES

With the arrival of Alien Covenant, it seems fitting to make a video about some of the new and exciting Xeno morph species... Check out the STORE: well as discussing some of the older variations. So without waiting any longer, let’s explore my top 10 Xenomorph picks… Number 10. The Neomorph. Let’s start with the newcomers…the scary ass neomorph. I would take a xenomorph over this guy anyday… This white-colored creature featured in the new Alien: Covenant. It was created by exposure to spores found growing on the engineer homeworld. The embryronic Neomorph then gestates inside the host, until it bursts out of its host's back, throat, or possibly other areas, using mostly its head. The Neomorph is stated to be a more "natural" version of the Xenomorph, and is shown to lack the biomechanical features of its cousins. The Neomorphs are supposedly more primitive and more animalistic, preferring more obvious means of attacking.