पशुपति शर्मा र खुमन अधिकारिको दोहोरि मा भाले जुधाइ

Former Prince Paras has claimed that the institution of monarchy has not been abolished. He said the institution of monarchy has just been suspended. Speaking exclusively to Pramod Sedhain of Sagarmatha Television, former Prince Paras said that the institution of monarchy will not come to an end unless a stable constitution is written. He also stated that failure to forge unity among the institution of monarchy; political parties and the people have augmented to foreign intervention in the country. Shah said the institution of monarchy will reach out to the people to save the country from being a failed state. In a Sagarmatha television exclusive interview, he stressed on the need for unity among the three forces: monarchy, people and political parties for the betterment of the country. He argued that if the three forces unite, foreign forces would not get any opportunity to interfere in Nepal's internal matters. "The people who had surrounded the then King are responsible for the abolishment of monarchy from Nepal", ex prince Shah said. He also said the fall of the monarchy was due to the vested interests of those who were close to his father