Вьетнамские свиньи. Опаливаем тушку-2 //Из города в деревню

Athena the ferret takes a knock from a rabbit but continues to work the system. After throwing Athena off, the rabbit bolts and somehow manages to slip through the meshes of the net. This can happen with smaller rabbits but this one appeared to be fully grown. 5:33 Clip of me 'peeing' the rabbits. Pressing on and around the bladder to drain the urine. If left it may taint the meat. These rabbits are collected for food, for my ferrets and people. This is a free range meat, that has lived a free life. These rabbits will be controlled even without me. By taking them myself, the meat is used. Ferreting is an environmentally friendly method of harvesting free range meat. Rabbit control and the law - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/rabbits-how-to-control-numbers