대식가 l 키노시타 유우카, 왕돈까스 먹방! [ Big eater challenge a pork cutlet ]

you can leave a comment if you have any suggestion on what you want me to eat next!😆 [use CC to enable Subtitles] Hello, my name is Kinoshita Yuka ! I love eating. OoGui (eating a lot) is my channel's main focus. I often do a social eating live (Mukbang) Today, i made what called Japchae ( is a sweet and savory dish of stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables that is popular in Korean cuisine. Japchae is typically prepared with dangmyeon or Dang Myun , a type of cellophane noodles made from sweet potato starch ) that i received it from a korean viewer using sesame oil , vegetables , meat and a lot more , with rice and miso soup, All that is so high in calories . It was so delicious and tasty, thanks again to the viewer for the precious gift !! 被災された台湾の方たちが早く安心した生活に戻れますように 台湾東部地震 緊急支援募金(Yahoo!基金) - Yahoo!ネット募金 https://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/1630034/ you can leave a comment if you have any suggestion on what you want me to eat next!😆 [use CC to enable Subtitles] Hello, my name is Kinoshita Yuka ! I love eating. OoGui (eating a lot) is my channel's main focus. I often do a social eating live (Mukbang) Today, i made what called Japchae ( is a sweet and savory dish of stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables that is popular in Korean cuisine. Japchae is typically prepared with dangmyeon or Dang Myun , a type of cellophane noodles made from sweet potato starch ) that i received it from a korean viewer using sesame oil , vegetables , meat and a lot more , with rice and miso soup, All that is so high in calories . It was so delicious and tasty, thanks again to the viewer for the precious gift !! やってほしいことや食べてほしいものがあったらコメント欄で教えてください!😆 weibo(中国の大きいSNS)にも動画やコメントを載せているよ! https://weibo.com/mochiko0204 ⭐️木下ゆうかオリジナルグッズ \(﹡ˆOˆ﹡)/ 【パーカーとマグカップが新しくなりました!】https://uuum.skiyaki.net/yuka_kinoshita ⭐木下ゆうかLINEスタンプ2でたよ!!!ᐠ( ᐢᐢ )ᐟ https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/1265744/ja LINEアプリ内の、スタンプショップで『木下ゆうか』と検索すると出てきます! セカンドチャンネル作りました!∩^ω^∩ 木下ゆうかのゆるちゃん!/YukaKinoshita2 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjpPqow_Rlv0A9RePeJ6nAA 【はらぺこパズル】ごはんに恋をした [iOS]http://bit.ly/2aWQUDK [Android]http://bit.ly/2btZ3eP 【大食いYouTuber】木下ゆうか はじめてのPhotoBook 木下ゆうかPhotobook "yuuka" 定価:1250円(税別) 発売元:講談社 全国の書店の他、ネット書店で販売中! http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/product?isbn=9784063650099 木下ゆうか:“Yuka Kinoshita” Japanese ⭐️[[TURN ON CC FOR SUBTITLES]] ⭐️ Thank you Aphexx(@aphexx9 )-English subtitles Thank you Range o(@orange0204)-Chinese subtitles Thank you Waza_leji(Ieji_San) -Arabic subtitles Thank you Taejun Lee -Korean subtitles Thank you Jane-Korean subtitles Thank you miu sister-Indonesian subtitles Thank you Sony Boy-German subtitles Thank you 香港國のパンダ・M-Hong Kong subtitles Thank you 日本語字幕 Soraさん Thank you My Nguyen-Vietnamese subtitles for supporting in making subtitle. If you've captioned/subbed one of my videos please inform me via E-mail. Thank you ⭐️エンディングなどのイラストは、ケイジェーさんに書いていただきました!(Twitter @K__j_344) http://t.co/rWRrlpd5Pc 木下ゆうか年表 https://sites.google.com/a/origin-rise.twbbs.org/origin-rise/mochiko Thank you Mr. Range o! ⭐︎FOLLOW ME Twitter https://twitter.com/mochiko0204 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8B%E3%82%86%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B-KinoshitaYuka/825093884226382 大食いが不思議な方は是非この動画を観てください! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ3qb8tTUlM&sns=em I’m also a competitive eater as a job. Please let me know via email or comment if you have any requests what you want me to try or you wanna have a food battle with me! 素材提供 PIXTA お仕事の依頼はこちらにメールください(﹡ˆᴗˆ﹡) Please contact me if you have any job requests. kinoshitay.uuum@gmail.com