Maa Ricardo Karam - Tracy Chamoun | مع ريكاردو كرم - ترايسي شمعون

"Maa Ricardo Karam" features an inspiring combination of Arab key personalities from a diversity of fields, recognized as such abroad, but most of whom slipped under the media "radar". "Maa Ricardo Karam" will share their stories and lessons of life, with the aim to motivate the youth all over the Arab World. Tracy Chamoun, born 1962, is a Lebanese author and political activist of Lebanese and European descent. She was appointed as ambassador of Lebanon to Jordan on 19 June, 2017. She is one of two surviving children of Dany Chamoun, the assassinated former leader of the National Liberal Party and son of former President Camille Chamoun. She favors the building of a modern democracy, and has spoken out against what she sees as the feudal political system in which clan loyalties often play a more significant role than ideology in politics.