7.22.18 - Update on News, Back to Regular Content, Info packed video.

Sarah Sanders just said that the Entire Obama Security Team may have thier TOP SECRET security clearances revoked soon for SELLING OUT! Fast forward to 8:22 to get the news. I cover the #MeToo campaign updates first. What could this mean for the #resist campain and the war to oust Trump from office? Sarah Sanders Security Clearance Victims List: John Brennan (CIA? / Director of National Intelligence) James comey (FBI) James clapper (CIA) Hayden (CIA) susan rice (NSA, netflix child porn mastermind) andrew mccabe (FBI) DRUDGE REPORT 2018® https://drudgereport.com/ Trump Weighs Revoking Security Clearances for Comey, Brennan - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-23/trump-weighing-revoking-security-clearances-for-comey-brennan How world leaders, including Emmanuel Macron, are using Trump's tricks against him - Axios https://www.axios.com/me-too-photo-journalism-sexual-harassment-d631264f-1b69-4b8c-a4ee-cb4121454998.html Trump warns Iran's Rouhani to stop the threats or suffer historic consequences | Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/23/trump-warns-irans-rouhani-to-stop-threats-or-face-or-suffer-historic-consequences.html Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump Victim's girlfriend says Florida gunman provoked fatal 'stand your ground' shooting https://www.yahoo.com/gma/victims-girlfriend-says-florida-gunman-provoked-fatal-stand-095904222--abc-news-topstories.html Sarah Sanders on Revoking Brennan, Comey's Security Clearance - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fTVxHjezKM James Clapper - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Clapper