TOP5 predictions of Edgar Cayce for Next 2018 Year & Beyond SEPARATION of the Wheat and TARES- VAMPIRE BBQ OTTAWA T PARTY. PEDOPHILE SATANIST QUEERS UNITE AGAIN Saturday, 05 14, 2011 - 7 SUN in SATURN. MOLOCH SACRIFICE of MOTHER EARTH and CANADA.$$$HAARPER$$$ -7 am on SATURNday, $$$HAARPER$$$ floods Manitoba to DESTROY our HOMES, FOOD SUPPLY, OUR BORDERS and move water to Great SATAN USA as part of the NAFTA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT to sell CANADA's water and build a SUPER HIGHWAY with skull and bones FREEMASON, PEDOPHILE SATANIST, VAMPIRE GEORGE BUSH Sr. (you get what you voted for- a FASCIST NEW WORLD ORDER under HITLER-HARPER for at least 4 years. (votes were rigged). 150 homes (6) destroyed, 8 days to get to their target areas. 1000 meters opening was cut. ( 555 will destroy 666) 225 sq km flooded (9). 100's affected by this. Emmanuel Rozental Klinger- FREEDOM for CanINDIANs ONLY in the Americas Join us in a PEACEFUL New Paradigm of Universal Oneness, Serenity and Prosperity for All. We are a Network of People with Integrity and OPEN hearts, creating a BETTER WORLD for seven generations to come. EDEN will begin in YORK REGION. RICHMOND HILL. BYE BYE LIZARDBETH. 5 d, SEPARATION of the Wheat and TARES, VAMPIRE BBQ, OTTAWA T PARTY, PEDOPHILE SATANIST, QUEERS, murderer, Illuminati, COUNT St Germain, rape, armageddon 4d