Namewee 黃明志 ft.Ho Quang Hieu【Rain In Ho Chi Minh 胡志明的雨 Saigon Mưa Rơi】@亞洲通吃2018專輯 All Eat Asia

我的好兄弟 專輯:拿得起放不下 歌手:高進 / 小沈陽 在你輝煌的時刻 讓我為你唱首歌 我的好兄弟 心裡有苦你對我說   前方大路一起走 哪怕是河也一起過 苦點累點 又能算什麼   在你需要我的時候 我來陪你一起度過 我的好兄弟 心裡有苦你對我說   人生難得起起落落 還是要堅強的生活 哭過笑過 至少你還有我   朋友的情誼呀比天還高 比地還遼闊 那些歲月我們一定會記得 朋友的情誼呀我們今生 最大的難得 像一杯酒 像一首老歌       在你輝煌的時刻 讓我為你唱首歌 我的好兄弟 心裡有苦你對我說   前方大路一起走 哪怕是河也一起過 苦點累點 又能算什麼   在你需要我的時候 我來陪你一起度過 我的好兄弟 心裡有苦你對我說   人生難得起起落落 還是要堅強的生活 哭過笑過 至少你還有我   朋友的情誼呀比天還高 比地還遼闊 那些歲月我們一定會記得 朋友的情誼呀我們今生 最大的難得 像一杯酒 像一首老歌   朋友的情誼呀比天還高 比地還遼闊 那些歲月我們一定會記得 朋友的情誼呀我們今生 最大的難得 像一杯酒 像一首老歌 像一杯酒 像一首老歌 My brothers (Credited : Dong Na) In your splendid moment Let me sing for you My brothers When there is pain in my heart you say to me Lets follow the road ahead together And there's no fear if it's a river, together we'll go If it's a bit rough, if we're a bit tired, what does it matter When you need me I will accompany you through My brothers When there is pain in my heart you say to me Life is hard, it has many ups and downs But you still need to be strong and live your life Crying or laughing, at least you still have me Friendship is higher than the havens and more vast than the land Those few years, we definitely remember Friendship is the hardest thing to find in this life Like a glass of wine, like an old song In your splendid moment Let me sing for you My brothers When there is pain in my heart you say to me Lets follow the road ahead together And there's no fear if it's a river, together we'll go If it's a bit rough, if we're a bit tired, what does it matter When you need me I will accompany you through My brothers When there is pain in my heart you say to me Life is hard, it has many ups and downs But you still need to be strong and live your life Crying or laughing, at least you still have me Friendship is higher than the havens and more vast than the land Those few years, we definitely remember Friendship is the hardest thing to find in this life Like a glass of wine, like an old song Friendship is higher than the havens and more vast than the land Those few years, we definitely remember Friendship is the hardest thing to find in this life Like a glass of wine, like an old song Like a glass of wine, like an old song ------------------------ 歡迎訂閱BELLA PING音樂頻道! 好聽華語音樂,天天不漏放~ ① Bella Ping 01 頻道: ② Bella Ping 02 頻道: 喜歡的話也可以點贊分享喔~!