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Welcome to watch Hanbridge Mandarin Chinese grammar course again. Do you remember the question that I asked on last class? Please read the following two sentences and think whether they are correct or not. 1. 她是一名经验丰富的老师。 She is an experienced teacher. 2. 我住在中国已经五年了,有很多有意思的经历。 I have been lived in China for 5 years, and I have so many interesting experiences. Now I will tell you the answer. Both of these two sentences are correct. Did you get the right answer? OK, Today, our professional Chinese teacher- Shasha will tell you the difference between “后来” “以后” and “之后”. “后来” Emphasize the time after a certain time in the past. “以后” Emphasize now or after the time that the sentence mentioned. There is another meaning of “以后”, that is “future”. But “后来” does not has this meaning. The meaning of “之后” is as same as “以后”, but usually we use the structure “......之后”. If you want to know more about Chinese HSK videos, you can subscribe this channel: • Book one free HSK online class: • Like Hanbridge Mandarin on Facebook: • Follow Hanbridge Mandarin on Google+: • Follow Hanbridge Mandarin on Twitter: • Follow Hanbridge Mandarin on LinkedIn: For the complete "HSK Test Preparation" course, please check out: Thanks for watching and thanks for all the continuing support! Enjoy!