John Baker - Professional Dowser

Currently on the books of borehole companies I endeavor to look for underground water and if found, should be able to give some idea of depth, flow rate and potability. Can also search for 'lost' wells, mine shafts, pipes etc. Sometimes asked to find leaks in pipes when not found by normal investigative methods.This means the search is not easy and may get one in three right. Still worth the risk as the next step is usually digging up lots of ground or pulling walls to pieces.. It must be stated that no one can be right every time. It is your risk. Have worked for Local Authorities, The Forestry Commission, private land owners and given instruction to employees of the National Trust in various parts of the country. Despite modern plumbing and access to water via a tap, it is surprising how useful a well can be if you have one. Finding and bringing one back into use is often an interesting and useful addition to big gardens where you can at least water plants and wash down cars.etc. It is often an interesting execise to find out what was dropped down them in the past, either by accident or on purpose. A word of warning. Most wells were never filled in, just the top few feet capped.With the passage of time, this 'cap' is starting to deteriorate and can lead to sudden dips appearing in a garden. If you think you may have a well, the best thing to do is get it checked out.