【我是演说家season1】20141108 第6期 完整版:音乐教父黄国伦登台秀口才遭导师疯抢 《舌尖2》摄影师为新疆正名

《我是演说家》摒弃了繁复的表现形式,通过演讲的形式展现出中文的博大精深、汉语的精美绝伦、将“语言的力量”一一呈现在观众的面前,弘扬了中华文化,展现出中国力量,描绘出每一个普通中国人的动人梦想。 "I am speaker" abandon the complicated form, through the form of speech to show Chinese is extensive and profound, and the exquisite Chinese, "language of power" presented one by one in front of the audience, carry forward the Chinese culture, showing the power of China, depicts the magnificent dream every ordinary Chinese people.