《狄仁杰之四大天王》Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings || 曝新预告 超级奇案全程高能 巨型天王“最后一秒”现身

【☝ 订阅華策FUN國際 Subscribe to HUACE GLOBAL FUN ☝】 华策热播电影:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-qn-eiR753fD2hH3dckZiFZozXjOk6lF 由西山居著名网络游戏《剑网3》改编而成的首部同人网络电影《剑网3番外之四海流云》定档9月22日,国内新锐女导演秦榛执导,并集结陈思宇、马春瑞、李向哲等众多高颜值演员,展现大唐盛世的武侠江湖。 剧情简介: 唐中宗年间神龙年间,天下回归李唐王朝,但天子昏庸,皇后昏乱,天下处于武氏与李氏的争权夺利下,风雨飘摇。 纯阳弟子谢云流受师父吕洞宾所托,带着俗家弟子李家皇室的温王李重茂返回长安。一路上两人走得轻松自在,途径枫华谷时遭遇了突变,枫华谷是前往长安的必经之路,太子李重俊的车舆在路经枫华谷时遭到了埋伏,谢云流原本想袖手旁观,但李重茂哀求谢云流救自己的哥哥,谢云流无奈出手,却没想到救下的却是代国公主李华婉。李华婉对出身纯阳的谢云流也充满了好奇,为了感谢谢云流的救命之恩,李华婉邀请谢云流住进别院,并邀请谢云流赴宴接风。 宴席上李重茂遭遇刺客,谢云流为保护李重茂追踪行刺者并失手将刺客杀死。 因谢云流救驾有功,被邀请参加太子寿宴,席间谢云流见识到了太子和武三思之间的暗流涌动,明明私底下恨对方至深,表面上却依然花团锦簇,一派平和。谢云流对李重茂深陷皇室争斗担忧不已。 恰逢明教教主陆危楼听闻谢云流武功超群剑术不凡,特地前来挑战,两人在皇宫内的八卦广场进行了一场输死较量。 During the Shenlong Era of Tang Dynasty, the Li family regained the power. But with the incompetent emperor and the muddleheaded empress, the struggle between imperial Li family and Wu family was getting worse and the empire was still in turmoil. To complete master Lü Dongbin’s commands, Xie Yunliu took prince Li Chongmao back to the capital Chang'an. Everything was going on well until they came to Fenghua Vally. Fenghua Vally was the only way to Chang'an and the crown prince Li Chongjun were attacked in there. Xie Yunliu was not intended to interfere in this matter originally, but he had no choice but to rescue Li Chongjun for Li Chongmao, and they saved princess Li Huawan unexpectedly.Princess Li Huawan was curious about Xie Yunliu. To thank Xie for saving her life, Li Huawan invited him to stay in her mansion and attend a dinner party. During the dinner, Li Chongmao was assassinated and Xie Yunliu killed the assassin accidentally. For having saved prince Li Chongmao, Xie Yunliu was invited to the crown prince's birthday feast. And Xie Yunliu noticed that something unusual between the crown prince and Wu Sansi during the feast. Both of them hated each other but pretended to be good friends at the same time. And this made Xie worried about Li Chongmao being involved in brutal battle for power. Hearing that Xie was a martial arts master, the head of Ming Sect. Lu Weilou wentto challenge him, and they fighted a deadly battle in the Bagua Square. ■□更多精彩内容请订阅■□ 华策影视官方频道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMr... 华策影视Facebook官方主页 https://www.facebook.com/huacemedia/ 华策影视推特官方账号 https://twitter.com/HuaceInfo