Keto Diet On A Budget - Low Carb Ketogenic Meal Plan For 20% Off Your Bone Broth! OR USE COUPON CODE: THOMAS20 Please Subscribe for 3x Videos Per Week + Live Broadcasts! The 5 Biggest Ketosis Mistakes #1 - Not Enough Fats By sufficiently restricting carbs (and protein) you’ll enter a state of ketosis, so even if you’re fat intake is lower than it should be, you’ll likely maintain a ketogenic state A common problem people have is that their ratio between fats, carbs, and protein is off, causing them to feel sluggish and lethargic - creates an unsustainable way of eating/living. • Realistically, it should be 90-8-2 #2 - Not Accurately Testing Many keto dieters that only track their food intake assume that they are in ketosis and neglect using proper testing methods to verify their metabolic state Blood ketone meters test for BHB in the blood and are one of the more accurate, albeit, expensive ways to test for ketones Acetoacetate can be measured directly in the urine through the use of urine test strips They are easy to use and very cheap; the only downside is that after a while, once you have become keto-adapted, your body becomes efficient at using acetoacetate and you will have a lower reading of ketone levels on the strip The best, yet most costly, way of testing for ketones is via a breath meter - acetate is excreted through the breath and has been found to correlate very closely to levels of BHB in the blood It is the most expensive way to test for ketosis, but breath meters are a one-time purchase and are reusable #3 - Neglection of Gut Health Dieting mistakes can contribute to imbalances in the microbiome that causes more pathogenic bacteria to be produced than commensal bacteria As a result, health issues arise due to inflammation that is associated with metabolic endotoxemia (endotoxemia - presence of endotoxins in the blood) - this type of bacteria contains lipopolysaccharides (LPS), also known as endotoxins, within their cell wall When LPS enters a person’s bloodstream, usually due to a leaky gut, it causes low-grade inflammation as your body’s immune system tries to get rid of the endotoxins Your microbiome always has a certain amount of gram-negative bacteria, but when pathogenic bacteria outweighs the number of commensal bacteria inflammation arises (1) High-Fat and Endotoxemia Certain bacteria prefer to consume protein, sugars, or carbs, while some prefer fats and fat is most commonly correlated with an increase in the bacteria that produce endotoxins Study A study published in the journal Diabetes, from the American Diabetes Association, found that consuming a high-fat diet (roughly 72% fat) for 4 weeks resulted in 2-3x higher levels of plasma LPS concentrations - due to an increase in LPS-containing bacteria (2) Bone Broth Broth is made by boiling bones (beef, chicken, fish, etc) in water with an acid (like vinegar) and optional spices, vegetables and herbs. Broth can boil for as little as 4 hours or up to 48 Collagen The main structural protein found within the human body that helps form connective tissue and “seals” the mucosal lining of the GI tract Glutamine Bone broth also contains glutamine, which has protective effects on intestinal mucosa by decreasing bacteremia and epithelial cell apoptosis, enhancing gut barrier function, and influencing gut immune response - glutamine can fight against bad gut flora by protecting against mucosal breakdown in the gut (3) #4 - Dehydration Carbs hold a lot of water, so when in a ketogenic state - especially in the beginning - your body burns through the stored glucose in your liver and muscles, so you’ll be releasing a lot of water Plus, your kidneys will start excreting excess sodium as the levels of your circulating insulin drop - Fat oxidation is at its greatest when your insulin levels are low Additionally, drinking more water will encourage the breakdown of more fat as the ketones that are expelled in your urine are replaced with new ones produced as fat is being burned up #5 - Lack of Mineral Supplementation A drinking a lot of water while on keto results in the loss of electrolytes/minerals to be excreted through urination Sodium, magnesium and potassium are excreted in high amounts on low-carb diets and many keto dieters fail to supplement them References 1) What You Need to Know About a High-Fat Diet | HuffPost. (n.d.). Retrieved from 2) Metabolic endotoxemia initiates obesity and insulin resistance. - PubMed - NCBI. (n.d.). Retrieved from 3) Bone Broth Benefits and Uses | Wellness Mama. (n.d.). Retrieved from