
中国拳术之一。清末河北河间罗姓所传,1919年传人北京。手法以掌为主,运转舒展如绵,动作连而不断,掌法运行成环,劲力要求内蓄刚劲,外现绵柔,爆发时迅速、快捷。其基本功为"十三太保功",分蹲式、站式、卧式三段,共十三个动作要求外形动作与内体运气相统一,具有气功特点。套路分一、二、三路,以一路为基础,二、三路为一路的发展和变化。另有"连环拳" 三路,一、二路又称二郎拳,特点是内柔外刚,以爆发劲为主,三路又称白猿拳,介于绵掌与二郎拳之间,是刚柔兼备、拳脚并重的拳路。 The Short Introduction to Xu Weihan Taoist Priest, The taoist priest, Xu Weihan is one of the martial arts sucessors, who is the disciple of the 16th Xuanwu generation in Wudang's. He went to Wudang Mountain and learned Taiji Quan when he was a child. From then on he's learnt and practiced Wudang internal-exercising Gongfu. He has practiced and taught it for many years. He has the good teaching experience. He is proficient in Wudang Taiji Quan, Yin and Yang Five Element boxing, Ba Gua Zhang Skills, Mian Zhang Skills, Xiaoyao Zhang Skills, Wonderful Rounded and Arc-shaped Movement Skills, Wudang Gongfu Skills, Sword Skills and, the Care Life Skills etc. The taoist priest has lived Wudang Mountain and has taught Wudang Gongfu all the time,. If the people in any district in the world love Wudang Taiji Gongfu , welcome to Wudang Mountain and learn it. 许微含道长简介 许微含道长,武当玄武派第16代武术传承人,自幼上武当山习练武当内家权法。他有着多年的习武经历及武术教学经验,精通武当太极拳、阴阳五行权、八卦掌法、棉掌、逍遥掌、妙手浑圆功、武当功法、剑法、养生功法等等。 许微含道长多年来一直定居在武当山上传功授艺,至诚欢迎世界各地人士前来学习。 武当山微含内家拳馆 There are a long learning class, a short learning class and a care for life class in the martial arts hotel. The long learning class means one year or more than one year. Trainees can learn Wudang Kongfu Skills, such as Tai Chi Boxing, Bagua Zhang Skills, Yin and Yang Five Elements Zhang Skills, Mian Zhang Skills, Xiaoyao Zhang Skills and Sword Skills, etc. (武馆设立长期班、短期班、养生班三个班次。长期班指的是一年以上,可以系统学习武当功法。如:太极拳、八卦掌、阴阳五行拳、绵掌、逍遥掌、剑法等等。) The short learning class is over half a year or a month and a week. Trainees can choose to learn a certain Wudang Kongfu as you like.(短期班指的是半年以内,或者一个月、一个礼拜,根据情况可以选择性的学习.) Xu Weihan Taoist Priest's contact: E-mail: wudangpaigongfu@yahoo.cn wudangpaigongfu@live.com wudangweihan@163.com Phone: 13986911089 QQ: 1207288291 Address: Weihan's Internal-Exercising Boxing Hotel lies in the landscape part of Wudang Mountain, Shiyan Urban, Hebei Province, China (中国 湖北 十堰市 武当山风景区)