
~歡迎訂閱我的頻道 SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL❤️ https://www.youtube.com/c/Stephystephie?sub_confirmation=1 ~文字食譜點擊這裡 (written recipe)☘️ http://stephiews.blogspot.my 好喜歡吃這個充滿罪惡感的部隊軍湯。。😍其實學會做這個調味醬放什麼下去煮都會很好吃。🤔 雖然部隊湯得部分材料是罐頭食品,但是就是因為加入了一些罐頭食品更讓味道畫龍點睛~我家裡沒有金針菇,不然放一把進去會是很好的搭配。。說著說著我又餓了。。*不是開玩笑,我等下可以再煮一鍋嗎?😂 So.. so in love with this sinful cuisine, army base stew(budae jigae).😍 It's actually taste fabulous no matter what we put with this seasoning sauce. 😂 Even though part of the ingredients are from can food, but just because of adding some can food the taste goes to another level~ There is no more enoki mushroom in my fridge, or else it will be another kick in the soup party... Guess what, I'm hungry again... *no joke, can I cook one more time for next meal?🤔 ~這個料理可以自由發揮,所有材料都可以自行更改和省略 😆 (讓你展示你軍人粗獷型般的料理) ~this is a very flexible cuisine, you can skip or adjust any ingredients based on your liking (to show your army kinda cooking skill) 材料 INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup 香腸 SAUSAGE 1/2 cup 火腿 HAM 1/2 cup 五花肉 PORK BELLY 1/2cup 豆腐 TOFU 1tbs 泡菜 KIMCHI 一把軟化年糕 handful of soften RICE CAKE 1tbs 番茄黃豆 BAKED BEAN 一把韭蔥 handful of LEEK 一把軟化韓國冬粉 handful of soften KOREAN GRASS NOODLES *調味醬 SEASONING SAUCE 適量水 some WATER 起司 CHEESE 青蔥 SPRING ONION *調味醬 SEASONING SAUCE 1tbs SUGAR 1tbs FISH SAUCE 1tbs SOJU 1tbs SOY SAUCE 1/2tbs GARLIC 2tbs GOCHUJANG 其他韓式小吃連結 🔗 OTHER KOREAN STREET FOOD RECIPE 韓國烤雞肉串做法 KOREAN STREET FOOD CHICKEN SKEWERS https://youtu.be/MAobXB4Sq-s 韓式三明治 KOREAN STREET SANDWICH https://youtu.be/9bJCF3hsQNk 韓國核桃紅糖煎餅做法 HOW TO MAKE KOREAN STREET FOOD HOTTEOK https://youtu.be/sLN225SdfD0 韓式炸雞做法 KOREAN FRIED CHICKEN RECIPE https://youtu.be/Lz8L18u6zQI 韩式炒冬粉做法 JAPCHAE - KOREAN GRASS NOODLE RECIPE https://youtu.be/JZ-QHPsZ6TQ 關於我 | ABOUT ME YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/c/Stephystephie?sub_confirmation=1 👩🏻‍🌾 INSTAGRAM- stephiestephy 👩🏻‍🍳 https://www.instagram.com/stephiestephy/ FB PAGE | 粉絲專頁 🤘🏻 https://www.facebook.com/stephieWS.official/ 部落格 | BLOG http://stephiews.blogspot.my 感謝訂閱我的你們,還沒訂閱的快來免費訂閱我的頻道。 定時看影片😊 【韓國部隊鍋做法】【部隊軍湯食譜】【부대찌개】 【ARMY BASE STEW,BUDAE JIGAE RECIPE】 STEPHIE'S KITCHEN