The myth of Arachne - Iseult Gillespie

This animation was created by Colossal Toons in Accra, Ghana, for Camfed, and has been widely shown on TV as part of a public information campaign, and used as an ICT safety training tool by the young women graduates of Camfed’s education programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. Fubila’s experience is a lesson for young people across the world. The internet is a great place to get information and connect with friends. Let’s use it positively and responsibly. Camfed supports girls in rural sub-Saharan Africa to go to school, succeed, and lead. After school, young women join the CAMA alumni network, which provides support and resources to help women become financially independent, ‘plough back’ into their communities, and lead change. The production of this animation was funded by Credit Suisse under an ICT Safety grant.