Amazing aircraft carrier takeoff

Will the New Japan supercarrier more advanced than the UK supercarrier HMS queen elizabeth or USA supercarrier Gerald R. Ford? Japan, is proposing to develop its first aircraft carriers. Under a £3 billion plan, the Japanese navy, would convert two 248m, Izumo-class helicopter-carriers, to handle American F-35 jump-jet fighters, giving the country its first naval airstrike-capability, in more than 70 years. Japan once had the largest carrier fleet in the world in 1941. The refit to the two Japanese carriers, Izumo and Kaga, would involve alterations to the flight decks, to withstand the extreme heat of the F-35B’s engines, during vertical take-offs and landings. Japan has already signed a deal, with the American manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, for up to 42 conventional F-35A aircraft, which require a runway for take-off and landing, but, the order could be amended to include F-35B's, for the carriers. source: