20150401中天新聞 殺人鯨奪命實錄 美女馴獸師斷魂

Boeing doubles F-15C missile load in '2040C' Eagle upgrade. (https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/boeing-doubles-f-15c-missile-load-in-2040c-eagle-u-416766/) Boeing has unveiled an up-gunned version of its supersonic F-15C air superiority jet designed to keep the aging fleet operationally relevant through 2040.Called 2040C, the upgrade package includes “quad pack” munitions racks designed to double the aircraft’s air-to-air missile payload to 16 and conformal fuel tanks for extended-range flights.For communications, Boeing is naturally offering “Talon HATE” – the air force’s programme of record for connecting the F-15 with Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor.In terms of survivability, Boeing’s package includes Raytheon’s APG-63(v)3 active synthetically scanned array (AESA) radar and a long-range infrared search and track (IRST) sensor for “first sight, first shot, first kill” air-to-air combat. 2040C continues delivery of the Eagle Passive/Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) systems – a programme designed to equip the fourth-generation F-15 with the latest electronic warfare capabilities. A contract announcement for that effort is expected soon.Boeing vice president of F-15 programs Mike Gibbons says the 2040C concept is an evolution of the Silent Eagle proposed to South Korea, with some low-observable improvements but mostly a focus on the latest air capabilities and lethality.(Flightglobal 15 ,9, 2015 read more at https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/boeing-doubles-f-15c-missile-load-in-2040c-eagle-u-416766/ ) 美國 波音公司提出 F-15C 鷹式戰機 2040C升級套件 美國波音公司繼 F-15SE《沉默鷹》(Silent Eagle)方案無果而終後又再接再厲針對F-15C 空優戰機推出了可攜帶最多16枚AIM-120 先進中程空對空飛彈(AMRAAM)的《2040C》升級套件。波音公司副總裁Mike Gibbons表示:「《2040C》升級套件的概念延伸自《沉默鷹》(Silent Eagle),機體外型同樣加入了部分低可探測性設計,但主要訴求著重於空中作戰能力和殺傷力的提升」。《2040C》升級套件沒有採用如《沉默鷹》將適型油箱修改成內置彈艙的設計,而是利用設於機翼及適型油箱下的四聯裝與雙聯裝派龍架來增加空對空飛彈的攜掛數量。經過《2040C》套件升級的 F-15C戰機最多可掛載16枚AIM-120 先進中程空對空飛彈,使其搖身一變成為一架飛彈卡車平台。在航電系統部分則將雷達升級為雷神公司開發的APG-63(V)3主動相位陣列雷達,並在座艙罩風檔前方加裝一具紅外線搜索暨追蹤系統(IRST),藉此來強化並增加 F-15C的主/被動偵測能力,使戰機能達到先視;先射;先殲(First sight,First shot, First kill)的空對空作戰優勢,另外還有EPAWSS( Eagle Passive/Active Warning and Survivability System) 主/被動預警系統及Talon HATE通訊莢艙(做為與F-22之間的通訊管道,且不易暴露F-22位置)。(世界尖端武器觀測站 https://www.facebook.com/ng.wawos/photos/?tab=album&album_id=606072999531263)