20150107 寻宝 青金石《访友图》山子意境悠远做工精致 战国青铜豆历史悠久工艺复杂

http://www.youtube.com/user/treasurehuntpremium关注《寻宝》官方频道,更多精彩内容!这里创造了独具特色的吉州窑陶瓷文化,这里发现了举世闻名的大洋洲青铜文化,这里拥有历史悠久的白鹭洲书院文化。沉香雕刻的释迦摩尼佛像究竟是一块烂木头还是一块宝?从房梁上拆下来的几块木雕背后究竟隐藏着什么样的故事?《寻宝》节目组走进江西吉安,寻找和发现最具文化价值的藏品。This created a unique culture Jizhou kiln ceramics, where the world-famous Oceania discovered bronze culture, which boasts historic Egret Island College Culture. Buddha statues carved incense what is a rotten wood or a treasure? Removed from the beam of a few pieces of wood on that lurks behind what kind of story? "Treasure hunt" program group into Ji'an, seek and find most culturally valuable collections.